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to OEE + Quality FAQ's


Here you will find answers to the questions around OEE and improving OEE

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What is OEE

The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is calculated from availability, performance and quality and represents the productivity of a system or process after deducting losses in a single key figure.

OEE calculation can not only base on machine data but also on operational data for manual and workforce intensive processes.

By looking at the individual parameters of the OEE calculation, hidden potential can be quickly identified and increase efficiency in production.



Availability x Performance x Quality


Good quantity / Total quantity produced

x 100 = quality in %

The good quantity is the total quantity produced minus defective parts (scrap).

The quality factor is obtained by dividing the quantity of good parts produced by the total quantity of all parts produced.

What is OEE.png


Actual operating time / Scheduled operating time

x 100 = availability in %

Scheduled operating time is the total time available to a system or process, taking planned downtimes (e.g. work breaks) into account.

The actual (productive) operating time results from the scheduled operating time minus the duration of all stops and downtimes.


Total quantity produced / Max. possible quantity

x 100 = performance in %

If the total quantity produced is divided by the maximum possible quantity within the actual operating time, the performance factor is obtained.

It is important to take the actual operating time into account here so as not to overestimate the availability in the performance factor.


Realtime views

Big View screen

Give people on line clear information about the OEE in their shift.
Bars show the hourly OEE of the line comparing with the target OEE

Line Overview

Line Overview display actual status of lines, actual quantity and rejects in realtime

Additional productname + productnumber and target quantity.

With realtime information you can react immedently on any line issuses  

Big View Screen.png
Live View_edited.jpg



Plant wide

Get OEE number accross your plants in Realtime or in reports

OEE Dashboard

Find out Performance + Availabilty + Quality for lines, products or whole factory

Trend Dashboard

Get your productivity trends and at a glance
Quantity, rejects, OEE, TEEP; UOA

Time Dashboard

See productive, unproductive and planned downtime times to check out capacity and lost times.

Productivity Dashboard

Compare OEE numbers line by line in one view.
Shift by shift, day by day, week by week, month by month or year by year

Dashboard all views.png
Plant wide.png
Dashboard OEE.png
Dashboard Trend.png
Dashboard Times.png
Dashboard Compare OEE.png




Capture different quality reasons to find out your quality problems 

Paretto diagramm

Gives you clear information about your quality problems

Quality Input.png
Quality Paretto.png
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